Submissions of Funding Applications for the “Green Transition of SME’s” Action Package of the NSRF programme 2021-2027 starts on March 22nd.

Submissions of Funding Applications for the “Green Transition of SME’s” Action Package of the NSRF programme 2021-2027 starts on March 22nd.

The state aided “GREEN TRANSITION OF SME’s” Package is part of the Competitiveness Program (NSRF 2021-2027) with a total budget of 700,000,000 €, and aims to upgrade the country's SME’s.

The eligible costs of the Actions include, among others: buildings, facilities and surrounding area, machinery - equipment, product certification, marketing costs, as well as costs for improving energy efficiency and energy saving.

Each individual Action covers investment projects of different amounts.

Opening of applications: Wednesday 03/22/2023 at 12:00

Action 1 – “Green Transition of SME’s”

Action 1 – “Green Transition of SME’s” will be implemented with funds from the Competitiveness Program of the NSRF 2021–2027 amounting to a total of 350,000,000 € and aims at the operational upgrading of the small and medium enterprises of the country.

Basic Conditions for Participation

Eligible to submit a proposal for the Action are existing medium-sized, small and micro enterprises as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.

The eligible activity code numbers (ACN’s) will be defined in the detailed Call for Proposals of the Action, depending on the choice of financial support scheme.

The basic conditions for participation of potential beneficiaries are the following:

1. At least one (1) full closed fiscal year prior to the date of online submission of the funding application.

2. Essential activity (Main Activity Code or Activity Code with the highest revenue) in one (1) of the eligible activity codes included in the call prior to the date of electronic submission of the funding application.

3. Registration of the eligible Activity Code Number(s) of the call prior to the date of online submission of the funding application.

4. At least three (3) annual work units (AWI) for full-time or part-time dependent employment in the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application. This will be confirmed on the basis of the declared data kept for this enterprise in the ERGANI information system.

Project Budget:

The total budget of the Action amounts to 300,000,000 € (public expenditure).

The subsidised budget of each investment project ranges from 200,001 € to 1,000,000 €.

The duration required for the completion of the physical and financial scope of the investment project shall not exceed twenty-four (24) months from the issue date of the Decision of Inclusion.


The aid rates for investment projects under this call for proposals are between 25% and 50% of the project budget, depending on the size of the enterprise and the place of implementation.

Action 2 – “Green Productive Investment of SME’s”

Action 2 – “Green Productive Investment of SME’s” will be implemented with funds from the Competitiveness Program of the NSRF 2021–2027 amounting to a total of 400,000,000 € and aims at the operational upgrading of the small and medium enterprises of the country.


Existing medium, small and micro enterprises that have:

  • at least one (1) full closed fiscal year prior to the date of online submission of the funding application;
  • an eligible Main Activity ACN or a highest revenue ACN;
  • an ACN eligible of investment prior to the date of online submission of the funding application;
  • at least three (2) annual work units (AWI) for dependent employment in the calendar year preceding the submission of the funding application.

Project Budget:

The total budget of the Action amounts to 400,000,000 €.

The subsidized budget of each investment project ranges from 30,000 € to 200,000 €.

The subsidized budget of the investment project may not exceed twice the highest turnover achieved in one of the three management periods (or less, if the undertaking has no turnover for three financial periods) in the year preceding the submission of the application for funding, with a maximum limit of 200,000 €.

The duration required for the completion of the physical and financial scope of the investment project shall not exceed twenty-four (24) months from the issue date of the Decision of Inclusion.

The Action is co-financed by the European Union, in particular by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Greek State.


The aid rates for investment projects under this call for proposals are between 40% and 50% of the project budget, depending on the size of the enterprise and the place of implementation.

A-Solutions undertakes the submission of the relevant proposal in cooperation with specialized partners.

If you are interested, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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